Find age-appropriate guidance to support your child

For Parents and Carers

Finding sensible advice online about children and young people’s behaviour or mental health is a real challenge. We also know that waiting times for specialist services are long and families may struggle in the meantime. How can you best manage your child’s behaviour or support them if they are having mental health issues? That’s where HappyMaps comes in. Our award-winning team have done the hard work for you and collated some of the best links to websites, helplines, charities and sources of support here. Find out what is normal and when to get advice or professional help. All our resources are recommended by CAMHS professionals and by other parents. Some have also been chosen by young people themselves.

Start with our Parent Survival Guide or look at some of the other topics for parents and carers on the toolbar.

We also have pages for children and young people, including a dedicated page for students.

Find the right age group for your child’s needs on HappyMaps here.

Then simply scroll down to explore a range of topics and find tailored professional advice and accurate information