Help for under 12yrs











Help in a Crisis


Hello! Are you feeling down, anxious or worried about something?

We can help. Here are some links to advice and information and, if you want to, ways of talking to someone about what’s happening. You can get advice on the phone, or web chat or you can read about other people with similar problems and what they did. All the helpline and chat options we’ve listed are safe and confidential.

The best place to start is the Childline Website. It’s for anyone up to the age of 19 years.
You can also Ask Sam or read letters that other people have written and see what advice they got.

We also recommend the amazing YoungMInds which offers support and information on lots of different feelings and problems as well as personal stories.

Click the image below to see different ways of getting help and advice on Childline:


Get online or telephone help and support

Childline – helpline for young people up to age 19 years and a website full of games, quizzes, and advice.
1-2-1 Childline counsellor chat online
Shout  24/7 text support
Kooth free confidential counselling with trained counsellors for ages 10-18 years and lots of good information and stories.
Tellmi app is a safe, anonymous app where you can talk about anything and get support from others

How to start getting help

Starting the conversation  Who can I talk to and what do I say?
Reaching out for help – your guide to support
Help with different feelings such as anger, sadness, worry, jealousy, loneliness and more

Common worries

Feeling stressed and worried?
What is anxiety?
This explains how anxiety feels and how you tackle it.

Problems with friends
Worried about self-harm?
Feeling alone and misunderstood?.
Help with family problems, friends or other relationships

Social media and internet problems

Check out the topics in primary or secondary/young adult for help on things like bullying, eating problems, feeling anxious, puberty and sex and much more.
Scroll down past the parent section to find advice for young people.

Mini Games and ideas to boost your mood

Ideas to help you feel better if you’re feeling worried, anxious or sad.

The best free mental health apps

  • Clear Fear is a free app for anxiety and panic attacks – lots of ideas as well as breathing exercises to try.
  • Calm Harm for self-harm or coping with overwhelming feelings. hundreds of ideas to try
  • For more Apps check out the  Best Apps Page
  • For even more helplines and ideas look at our 12-25-year-old section