Help for Students

Help for Students

Being a student can be tough

If you find you are struggling with your mental health, friendships, or studies, welcome. We’ve gathered these websites and links which are specifically for students to help you. Universities and colleges all have their own counselling services, but there may be long wait times so many of these charities offer online support or counselling. If things are getting really difficult, make sure you speak to a GP.

As a student, it can be hard to look after yourself and it’s easy to underestimate how important sleep, food, exercise, seeing other people, and daylight can be for your mental health. When we feel sad or anxious, it’s harder to keep doing the things that help. Anxiety is well-known to affect your ability to focus, make decisions, and problem-solve so you may feel that it also affects your studies.

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, start with the basics. Some people find this toolkit a good place to start.


Ideas for staying well


Top Websites and Helplines for Students


  • Students Against Depression
    Support for students and those who may be looking after them or worried about them including friends and family. Topics include ” I am having strange thoughts” and ” I can’t concentrate”. The “making changes” section is highly recommended – practical, empathic and never patronising. Highly recommended
  • Student Minds
    Guide for starting university with advice on time management, study skills, relationships, addiction, identity, mental illness and where to go for help if you need it.
  • Student Space  
    New site for student support  with 4 options: telephone support, web chat, text and e-mail support
  • Student Health App
    This free App has advice on  first aid, common medical problems, travel, mental health and more.
  • Save the Student
    Common mental health problems at university, and where to get help including advice on money problems, and tips on looking after yourself.
  • Study Hacks; short videos made by students at the University of Northampton sharing their top tips.
  • Study skills guides (UCAS) include time management, presenting an argument, editing your work and writing an academic essay.
  • Student Wellbeing 
    A series of illustrated pocketbooks with practical advice and top tips for parents and students, especially those going into their first year.