

There is a huge amount of advice on what you should and shouldn’t do to help your baby, toddler or preschooler to eat, sleep or behave. Many books and other advice for parents of babies and toddlers seem to suggest that there is only one right way to do things. This can easily make parents feel more rather than less stressed and is nonsense. Of course, you have perhaps already discovered that what works for one child often doesn’t work for another.

These resources have been chosen because they suggest a variety of strategies rather than just one way of doing things and have been recommended by other parents, mental health charities and professionals. Remember – you know your child better than anyone, so only go with the advice if it feels comfortable for you and your family.

Start here: best books and websites

Courses for Parents

  • Enjoy your baby Free online course from the “Living Life To The Full” team. Helping mums make positive changes in their lives and enjoy new parenthood.
  • Children’s centres are for children under 5 and their parents and offer all sorts of support and activities. Many offer childcare, play sessions, exercise classes, baby massage, parenting classes, advice on money, and other support and training for parents. Find your local one by visiting your city council website
  • The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust Free online webinars, guides and peer support


What are the signs of ADHD in the early years? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be difficult to diagnose in very young children as so many of the features associated with this disorder,...


Even very young children can experience anxiety but often can’t explain or rationalise it. Many behaviour problems in young children (and often older children too) can be down to underlying fear, worry or frustration…


Parents often worry that their child may be showing signs of autism in the early years. It is helpful to be aware that there is a big overlap in symptoms between autism and anxiety, and that anxiety is much more common…

Body Image

Helping your child develop a positive body image Children are naturally born with a positive body image. They enjoy using their bodies and what they can do. As they grow up they begin to notice how...

Breath-holding spells

Breath-holding is common and often happens if the child has had a sudden shock or pain, or is angry or upset. It is not voluntary (i.e. not on purpose) and can look very frightening as children can...

Coping with a new brother or sister

Helping my child cope with a new arrival in the family Video from Parentchannel. Enjoy hearing from other parents and see what top tips they suggest!   Sibling rivalry-when a new baby arrives Family...

Coping with Death or Loss

Talking to young children about illness or death It can be hard to know how to talk to young children if someone is very ill or has died - be it a pet, a friend or a member of the family. These...

Coping with divorce or separation

Talking to young children about divorce and separation What to tell the children about divorce or separation Sensible advice on what to tell your children from the Family Lives team. Relate has some...

Pre-school behaviour

We all know that tantrums are part of normal development and are usually an expression of frustration though the cause isn’t always obvious to others! Sometimes children’s behaviour is so extreme however…

Problems with Food

My child doesn't eat much or is a fussy eater..... Is your child a picky eater? Does your toddler not eat much or only a few types of food? Surprisingly, toddlers often do quite well on a fairly...

Problems with toileting

Bedwetting, Daytime accidents, Potty training and Constipation Although toileting is not really a behavioural problem, it can have a huge impact on the family when it’s not going according to plan....


Helping your Child build Positive Self-esteem It's never too early to think about how you can help support children to be confident and happy in their own skin. Here are some tips for parents and...

Sleep and Crying

We have collated some common sense guidance for you but remember that what works for one child won’t always work for another…