There is a huge amount of advice on what you should and shouldn’t do to help your baby, toddler or preschooler to eat, sleep or behave. Many books and other advice for parents of babies and toddlers seem to suggest that there is only one right way to do things. This can easily make parents feel more rather than less stressed and is nonsense. Of course, you have perhaps already discovered that what works for one child often doesn’t work for another.
These resources have been chosen because they suggest a variety of strategies rather than just one way of doing things and have been recommended by other parents, mental health charities and professionals. Remember – you know your child better than anyone, so only go with the advice if it feels comfortable for you and your family.
Start here: best books and websites
- The Incredible Years – A Trouble -Shooting Guide for Parents of Children aged 2-8 years
by C. Webster-Stratton. “You can easily dip in and find short chapters relevant to you and your child and the advice is simple and practical” (Parent) - How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide for Life with Children aged 2-7yrs
by Joanna Faber and Julie King “It changed my life!” (Parent) - Talking to children about feelings: Practical and sensible advice on this NHS page
- Family Lives is a charity for parents with guidance, videos, blogs and even a forum for parents to chat and share problems. There is a big section for babies and toddlers and a parent’s helpline.
- Parentchannel Videos are a fantastic resource on behaviour, learning and well-being. Once you’ve chosen your age group and the first video starts playing, click on ‘PLAYLIST’ in the top left corner to see the other videos in that list. It’s a bit dated in parts but it’s great to be able to hear other parents talking about the same issues you’re experiencing.
- Young Minds parents survival guide Top tips from a top charity!
- Top Tips for New Dads
Courses for Parents
- Enjoy your baby Free online course from the “Living Life To The Full” team. Helping mums make positive changes in their lives and enjoy new parenthood.
- Children’s centres are for children under 5 and their parents and offer all sorts of support and activities. Many offer childcare, play sessions, exercise classes, baby massage, parenting classes, advice on money, and other support and training for parents. Find your local one by visiting your city council website
- The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust Free online webinars, guides and peer support